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You are only

a click away from the most amazing career in Nursing



Healthcare is among the noblest of fields. If you're interested in making other people's lives better, or even saving them-- you might want to consider a career as a nursing assistant. We train you for the State exam, all 21 skills are hands-on, and we assist with job placement in our surrounding area facilities.



  •  CNA PREP COURSE- We offer a CNA Prep course that will teach you the information and skills you need to pass the Florida State exam. The course cost $199, takes 20 hours to complete, and you don't need a high school diploma.

  • Our Bundle Package is $525, which includes the CPR class, State Exam fee, Background screening, and CNA prep course. (2 weeks)

  • Passing the Test- CNA prep can help you become a CNA more quickly than you might expect. After completing our course, you can take the exam and start looking for a job.

  • Core Training- We now offer the Administrator/Management training class. Two (2) Weekends every month. This course cost is $350, following the State exam of $200. This course will allow you the experience of the day-to-day operations inside any assisted living facility.

  • CPR Class BLS- Classes are scheduled monthly.

"Thank you for your patience and flexibility.
Very informative instructor. Loved this class! "
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